Storyboarded and briefed to an external agency, working closely with them on edit. Created while employed at ergoPouch.
I completed a rough edit of this interview, piecing together the narrative and flow, before briefing the final edit with an external agency. Created while employed at ergoPouch.
Storyboarded, rough edit, music selection and briefed to an external agency, working closely with them on edit. Created while employed at ergoPouch.
Storyboarded, rough edit, music selection and briefed to an external agency, working closely with them on edit. Created while employed at ergoPouch.
Storyboarded, rough edit, music selection and briefed to an external agency, working closely with them on edit. Created while employed at ergoPouch.
Filmed and edited while employed at Intimo Lingerie as a behind the scenes brand story.
Filmed and edited while employed at Intimo Lingerie as a new season sneak peak for Facebook.
Filmed and edited as a documentary style farewell video for a friend who was moving overseas.
Edited while employed at Red Crayon.
A personal projet exploring looping animations.
Filmed and edited while employed at Intimo Lingerie as a closing video for an internal conference.
Animated while employed at Intimo Lingerie as a holding slide for an internal conference
Animated while employed at ergoPouch as a social post as part of our Safe Sleep campaign